Saturday, November 6, 2010

blood relations [give me the thing of] joy.

ching ching. he was my test model. 

venice delicacies.

the sun the sun.

tasting the coast.

       it tastes good..
oddly similar to hair.

 fixing to jump. 
the waters a comins. 


  this is just fate.

 marveling. seaweed sweet love. 

only she sees them;      family.

 ok i guess. i mean, uh.

\\we are the shoeless| the everlasting// - -

face some danger.

the bag may find its way to the great ocean someday.

bleeding lights stain the [           ] sky. 

she has the thing of beauty, this one.

you chose this life.

we say leaves on trees. we want greens on walls.


abandoned stroller      [cast your shadows].

                                          run run run.

                 "because i believe we were meant to see in the [dark]. if you know that i'll be there, don't despair" so don't leave. but then. it really is |goodbye|

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

mostly just the drums. minus the pie...

tis the season for. pie .

ferris wheel mayhem.

street beats. 

 the 3 amigos .

 full of joy.


waves of movement.

screaming fat girls.

they dance too much .

spiff man .

 kicks yo.

Forever and ever amen .

they hide in the shadows . for us all.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

rambling days

 the drums.                      montage? 

blurry batch. rest later.

old cars and cigarette butts.

 lights loom .

native trinkets.

cacti casted shadows. 

 tribal dances.


 dreams for sale.

oh jenny.

 dancing mamas.

cactus brothers.

treads .


dirt in my shoes.

 doesn't bother a soul.

 busted bulbs.

curiosity of an end all.